Title: Unbearable Part 2: Day 0 Author: angelita26 Rating: PG-13 Characters and/or Pairing: Peter, Elizabeth Warnings: Lots of angst ahead. Word Count: ~1600 Summary: Companion piece to Unbreakable. Peter struggles to deal with finding Neal and Diana.
Title: Year 12 Author: angelita26 Rating: PG-13 Characters and/or Pairing: Neal/Sara, Diana/Christie, Peter/El, Jones/OC Spoilers: Nothing specific, just the use of Christie and mention of Sara having been in London. Warnings: [Just one]Past miscarriageWord Count: ~1700
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Title: Unbreakable Part: 8/8 Author: angelita26 Rating: PG-13 Characters and/or Pairing: Neal, Diana, Peter, Elizabeth, Christie, June, Mozzie, Jones - [Pairing]Diana/Christie Spoilers: Minor for Forging Bonds. Warnings: Unbetaed. Angst. Brief mention of torment and violence. Word Count: ~4100 Summary: It's a very big day for both Neal and Diana, in two very
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Title: Light to All of my Darkness Author: angelita26 Rating: PG Characters and/or Pairing: Neal, Peter, Jones, Diana Spoilers: None. Word Count: ~900 Summary: It was an easy case, until it wasn't. Peter suffers the consequences with Neal at his side.
Notes: A little Peter whump/Neal comfort for elrhiarhodan's birthday. It's a few days late, but she assured
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Title: Unbreakable Part: 5/? Author: angelita26 Rating: PG-13 Characters and/or Pairing: Gen - Neal, Diana, Peter, Elizabeth, June Spoilers: None. Warnings: Unbetaed. Word Count: ~1100 Summary: Neal and Diana are released from the hospital and head for Riverside Drive.
Notes: Written for a prompt at collarkink that can be found at the end of this chapter.
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Title: Unbreakable Part: 4/? Author: angelita26 Rating: PG-13 Characters and/or Pairing: Gen - Neal, Diana, Christie Spoilers: None. Warnings: Unbetaed. Word Count: ~800 Summary: Diana receives an important visitor.
Notes: Written for a prompt at collarkink that can be found at the end of this chapter. There are five parts to this fic so far, but there
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Title: Unbreakable Part: 3/? Author: angelita26 Rating: PG-13 Characters and/or Pairing: Gen - Neal, Diana Spoilers: None. Warnings: Unbetaed. Minor medical squick. Mention of offscreen physical abuse. Word Count: ~1300 Summary: Diana hates feeling vulnerable, but right now it's unavoidable.
Title: Unbreakable Part: 2/? Author: angelita26 Rating: PG-13 Characters and/or Pairing: Gen - Neal, Diana, Peter Spoilers: None. Warnings: Unbetaed. Sick!Neal fic. Word Count: ~1300 Summary: Neal's not feeling well, but Diana's there to help. Peter wishes he could do something too.
Notes: Written for a prompt at collarkink that can be found at the end of
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